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5/15/20246 min read

Often times we see discussions about whether we are able to tap into our cognition or if that is a hidden, mystical part of us that we can't ever have a conscious access to.

I have given you "the environment theory", and in my experience there is nothing more logical. Brain is dependant, never independent.

There is something else that majorly affects your brain, and that is the way you learn.

HD analysts often recommend you to take various courses, and not only that, but you have a chance of ending up blacklisted if you don't take any courses, and dare to teach HD. 😉

Courses are re-told stories, restructured and simplified for you, so that your brain doesn't have to use much energy to understand things on it's own. In courses, somebody else understood for you and the only thing left for your brain to do is to memorize or not, which actually is mechanically more difficult in this way.

If you are in school now, try ignoring your teachers and just studying from books. It's a fun experiment and it works. Taking in diluted information is homogenizing, manipulative and not made for an individual. And I'm not saying teachers do this consciously. I love teaching, but I'm very aware of the dangers of my own biased behaviours and interpretations, so my readings for example always come with a bunch of disclamers which are very exhausting for me, but necessary for the other.

This is what damages your neurons. Real learning, that is real brain training happens by giving your brain raw information. As real as possible, as unstructured as possible. And in HD you have this great opportunity to do so, as the majority of materials are transcripts. There is nothing sweeter for your brain than unedited, real information.

Diluted information that you receive through courses make your brain lazy, and lazy brain hurts your cognitive functioning, processing and memorising.

And don't think about this information in terms of right and left. That is not an excuse at all. All of our brains contain both left and right lobe, the difference may only be in orientation, or a genetical preference.

Credit: Custom Writting
Credit: Custom Writting

Created by Custom Writing

Your brain is an antenna and a receptor for the information coming in from the universe. Your cognition is a tuning fork.

Which brings me to.... Neurons.

Often times, when I talk about some of these things with my western friends, they are not too familiar with the information, which always leaves me baffled and makes me ask the same question over and over again: "They didn't teach you this in school?"

I love to complain about Croatian bureaucracy and closed mindedness of people, not progressing at the same pace with the rest of the world etc, but our education system is actually among top 10 highest quality systems in the world. Not only is higher education easily affordable, the concept of student loans doesn't exist here. Students of primary and secondary education leave schools with an enormous amount of knowledge. The focus of our education is not on our country and our culture, that is a very small part of it. The education is focused on exposing students to all common knowledge of the world. So already in primary school we read and examine dull and heavy Russian, French and English literature . And while you are in the middle of it, you hate it and often ask yourself "When will i ever need this in real life?", but when you look back on it as an adult, you can really appreciate the information you were exposed to, at least i do. And if your brain had a consistent exercise routines, many bits and pieces remain. And in systems like HD, strong foundation in science, maths, psychology etc can come in very handy.

Anyways, neurons...

Human design didn't come up with it's holy trinity, Base-Tone-Colour out of nowhere. The pattern of 3 is easily found through many different systems and disciplines. I'm sure you have heard of a famous Hermetical law of Correspondence, and it's words

"As above, so below".

All of the strategies and ideas you are being given by these various systems are all within you. Literally. Take a look at this image of a neuron.

What Neuron does is, it "acts", or not... And when it acts, it does so in response. Response is not what makes you a generator, it's what makes you a living human being. Responding can only stop once you're dead.

This is easily explained through the so called "ball throwing experiment". Somebody throws a ball at you, there is no thinking involved, there is no time. Your neurons received the information and you body acts in response. Like a reflex you will raise your hand in order to catch a ball. Or not. The response is always 1 or 0.

I have to go back to my tennis life. I remember my first day in training. I was 6 years old and there were 20 or more of us standing in a line and the coach was throwing a ball at us to catch it. This was the first lesson, and I failed. I didn't catch the ball. I was the shortest one of the group and very skinny and so, naturally I had to put way more effort in than some other kids, especially boys. Over the next few months, a lot of kids gave up. At the age of 12 we were a group of 4. Me and 3 boys. At the age of 14 I was alone. I got another coach and started traveling around the country, playing tournaments. Brain and therefore muscles store memory.

Dendrites (input) are the receiving tentacles on the top left side in the image. They pick up signals from other neurons and send them towards the soma (nucleus) where the information gets interpreted, or filtered, sounds familiar?

Next, this filtered signal moves through the axon on it's way to the end of the neuron (axon terminal). This path is protected by myelin sheet which is a kind of insulation that makes it impossible for the signal to get lost on it's journey. It keeps it safe and protected.

And finally, once the signal reaches the end of the neuron it gets to the so called synaptic button area ( bottom right in the image) and this is where the signal gets sent or released to another neuron.

Axon is never an input, even though, looking at it from the surface, it may make you think it can go both ways. In the same way, colour is never an input, regardless of how confusing it gets when trying to apply mechanics onto a chart. It's only confusing because your brain didn't study the materials, but it got shown and told.

The real helpful thing about studying on your own is that you really get to see the difference between the mechanics and interpretation, and you can notice how there is no logical transition between the two.

So, taking a course means taking someone else's understanding of this system as an interpretation, not as the mechanics.

The attention issues that come with today's modern living and endless scrolling addictions make it clear why minds prefer to receive information in the same way we prefer our meals today, precooked and microwavable. Your brain, on the other hand doesn't prefer this, and you are only hurting it in this process.

One thing I learnt in my experience of educating children and studying different educational systems is that attention is like a muscle, truly. It needs regular exercise, especially in those children and adults who are addicted to screens.

Your brain loves boredom, your mind doesn't. So when it comes to hd and operating out of the mind instead of the body, I'd be more concerned about matters like these than whether I was correctly or formally invited to a coffee date.